Q2 2024

Welcome to the Q2 issue of MEA Markets magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

Now making our way through the second quarter of 2024, the dynamic MEA region continues to be positively impacted by the hard work and resilience of its businesses, boosted by cutting-edge technology and an increasing prioritisation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.

In this issue, we are pleased to be featuring an array of these exceptional companies that continue to make waves within their respective industries, whether operating in capital market fintech, high-end fashion retail, B2B technology services, pest control and cleaning, and more. We discover how industry developments are impacting their business operations and the star qualities that enable them to achieve such brilliant success.

I hope you find this issue to be insightful and I wish you a prosperous quarter ahead. In the meantime, I look forward to welcoming you back again soon for the Q3 issue of MEA Markets magazine.


Q1 2024

Welcome to the Q1 issue of MEA Markets magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

Finding ourselves in February, we hope that all of our readers have had a very fruitful start to 2024. Already, there is so much to be excited about this year in the world of MEA business, and we are delighted to be showcasing our award-winning enterprises who are contributing brilliantly to the success of this thriving region.

From innovative equity and investment in Dubai to creative storytelling in advertising in Nigeria, we gain in-depth insights into the work that our accolade-worthy businesses do and how they make it all possible. We discover how they are harnessing trends and opportunities and navigating the ever-changing dynamics of this vibrant business landscape in order to ensure continued victory.

And not only are outstanding leaders and teams to thank, but technology also plays an integral role in the flourishing of the region today. Boris Shiklo, CTO at ScienceSoft projects that IT spending in the MEA region will accelerate this year, reaching $183.8 billion, an increase from $176.8 billion in 2023. This is just a portion of the global spending that is forecast to total at $5.1 trillion this year.

We hope you enjoy perusing this issue and we wish you a wonderful quarter ahead. In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming you back again soon for the Q2 issue of MEA Markets magazine.

Q4 2023

Welcome to the Q4 issue of MEA Markets magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

As 2023 gets ready to draw to a close, we are thrilled to share with you the award-winning enterprises that are truly triumphing across the MEA business realm. In the face of ongoing global challenges, these businesses show unparalleled resilience and adaptability, steering the course toward continued growth and success – whether pharmaceutical enterprise, sustainable energy solutions provider, marketing and promotions company, and more.

Indeed, throughout the year, we have witnessed dynamic shifts in market trends, technological advancements, and sustainable business practices, yet the MEA region proves itself to be a crucible of innovation and entrepreneurship. Visionaries from across its industries have become beacons of excellence, their innovative solutions transcending borders and possibilities.

A perfect example is our front cover feature, INNOVIA Biobank and its CEO, Dr Mohannad Al-Ghazo, whom we have named our Most Visionary Healthcare Diversification CEO 2023. In light of his recognition, we delve into what makes INNOVIA Biobank the groundbreaking medical and research facility it is. Leading the modern transformation of medicine, it houses the MEA region’s premier laboratory facility dedicated to biobanking services.

Now, as we get ready to conclude this chapter that has been 2023, I wish you a reflective and inspiring read and a prosperous quarter ahead. In the meantime, I look forward to welcoming you back again soon for our Q1 2024 issue.

Q3 2023

Welcome to the Q3 issue of MEA Markets magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

The MEA region, like the rest of the world, is unfortunately experiencing environmental challenges, including the devastating floods in Libya (page 4). Thus, the region is working hard to be kinder to the planet, including some of the extraordinary organisations we feature in this issue. In the fight against climate change, our award-winning companies deliver clean energy solutions in the form of eco-friendly power, green boiler technology, and solar water heating systems.

Also playing its part in the journey towards a healthier planet is our cover feature, the exceptional Manica Bikes, a long-trusted supplier of bicycles, motorbikes, spare parts, and accessories. Recognised as our Best Bike Sales & Repair Company 2023 – Harare, Manica Bikes encourages people to have an active lifestyle, as well as to reduce the amount of pollution they contribute to our atmosphere. It doesn’t end there for the company’s positive impact, for it is also renowned for all its goodwill. It is a firm truly deserving of all the success it sees.

We’re also excited to showcase more of our outstanding award winners, from an interior design firm to a marketing and communication consultancy, from a smart card solutions provider to a pharmaceutical technology creator, from an insurance broker to a global property management firm. We hope you find their success stories to be insightful and inspiring.
For now, I wish you a wonderful final quarter ahead and look forward to welcoming you back again soon for our Q4 issue.

Q2 2023

Welcome to the Q2 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

Making our way through 2023, we are noticing the great work being done by businesses across the MEA region so far this year – and they’re not showing any signs of slowing down. There is a lot of growth to come for the MEA market, with it being predicted to reach a compound annual growth rate of 7.6% by 2027, which is double what it is worth now. Thus, it is an amazing place to be doing business, and we’re excited to be showcasing some of the companies that are thriving there.

In this issue, we feature our award-winning MEA businesses who hail from an array of different industries, from oil and gas to IT services, and from global investment to compliance advisory. Each has an outstanding team demonstrating their next-level skills and expertise daily, leveraging cutting-edge technology, and going above and beyond to exceed expectations.

I hope you find this all to be insightful, we wish you a prosperous quarter ahead, and we look forward to welcoming you back again soon for the Q3 issue of MEA Markets magazine.

Q1 2023

Welcome to the Q1 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

The Middle East and Africa is undeniably home to a plethora of exciting businesses and enterprises that continue to thrive and excel. Indeed, as Q1 draws to a close, it has been a truly prosperous start to the year and we delight in sharing the stories of some of the most outstanding businesses that have made this the case.

Whether IT support, pet relocation, luxury cruises, printing services, solar power product manufacturer, or events agency, there is plenty going on in this issue of MEA Markets. These companies are the best of the best, which is why we’ve come to celebrate them with prestigious, well-deserved accolades.

Meanwhile, we also get to know our cover feature, buzzParade, a cutting-edge firm utilising the latest technology to create customer-centric solutions that help businesses scale and navigate through the ever-changing digital world. buzzParade specialises in fulfilling all of its clients’ online requirements, whether custom-built website, app development, or media and video production for the likes of TikTok. With complete devotion to satisfying its clients, buzzParade ensures they stay ahead of the curve.

As always, we hope you enjoy reading through this issue and wish you a wonderful quarter ahead. We look forward to welcoming you back for Q2 of MEA Markets magazine.

Q4 2022

Welcome to the Q4 edition of MEA Markets magazine. Each issue, we are devoted to providing you with all of the latest news and features from across the world of business in the Middle East and Africa.

As 2022 draws to a close, we are taking the opportunity to shine the light on some of the most remarkable firms, whether problem-solving mortgage broker, innovative marketing and SEO agency, cutting-edge workspace provider, or tenacious ship construction company.

We are showcasing those businesses who have gone above and beyond to show their customers and industries the high standards they are capable of, with passion for their craft, complete client-centricity, endless resilience, and ground-breaking technology across the board.

The festive season and new year are a time for joy and recuperation, but also reflection. It is a time for firms to review what went well, what didn’t go so well, and how they can keep exceeding expectations. It is a time to celebrate the successes and to make plans for the bright future ahead.

We are feeling truly inspired by the triumphant stories of our award-winning businesses and we hope you are, too. Everyone at MEA Markets magazine hopes you have a merry Christmas and a prosperous new year, and we look forward to welcoming you back in the next quarter.

Q3 2022

Welcome to the Q3 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

This quarter we have seen a diverse assortment of businesses all making a huge difference to their respective industries, whilst also influencing other industries through their refined knowledge, skill, and seamless execution of intricate plans.

For experienced assistance in every field, we can rely on businesses such as these when looking for nourishment and a chance for growth. Guaranteed to enrich our view on these industries, and improve our understanding of business operations, we look at firms that are changing the way we all operate by motivating us to explore new ideas.

The very crux of these companies ensure a sparkling future for their clients and customers. Not only do we see businesses moving at a swift pace, but we see their ideas come into fruition from day one. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit, and these businesses demonstrate how to plant seeds and nourish them so that we may reap the rewards.

We are excited for the next quarter and we look forward to welcoming you back before the year is over. We hope you thoroughly enjoy this innovative issue so that you may feel inspired and encouraged throughout your future endeavours.

Q2 2022

Welcome to the Q2 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

We welcome this quarter with open arms as we greet our summer time. The summer brings forth ideas of fruition which are echoed throughout this edition – we are celebrating concepts and designs that have come into a phase of completion for us and the businesses involved.

Offering insight into some innovative, revolutionary, and down right brilliant ideas, we are here to showcase some trail-blazers in their industries. With a positive mindset and the passion to dream, we come across news ways to progress – especially with influences from companies such as these. We would like to provide you with opportunities to be impressed and motivated towards exceeding all expectations and new discoveries.

As more businesses branch out – after the various waves of the pandemic – they are truly worth sharing with the world. We are proud to present this collection of leaders as they win some of the most prestigious awards.

We look forward to the next quarter and, in the meantime, we hope you all enjoy reading through this incredible issue. We would also like to wish you a very happy few months ahead. We will welcome you back soon.

Q1 2022

Welcome to the Q1 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

Businesses from all over the Middle East and Africa have been evolving at an exponential rate and are now become giants in their industries. This vast region has a massive number of tricks up its sleeve and is doing all it can to better the world that we live in, on a daily basis.

Here we would like to celebrate as so many innovative businesses are revolutionising the industries they work in. Garnered with experience, these exceptional businesses have now won some incredible, enviable awards that have brought them into the spotlight.

The first quarter of 2022 has been a mixed bag of events that have left us all feeling deflated however, there is always hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. Here’s to what you’ve all been waiting for; we would like to present you with a collection of businesses that have quickly spiralled upward to success.

As always, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous upcoming quarter. We look forward to welcoming you back for Q2 of MEA Markets Magazine.

Q4 2021

Welcome to the Q4 issue of MEA Markets Magazine. As always, we are dedicated to providing our readers with all of the latest news and features from across the Middle East and Africa.

Businesses from all over the Middle East and Africa are setting the pace their industries. This immense region is a lighthouse guiding many businesses to come. With fresh dynamics and highly sought after technology, here is a selection of businesses that truly shine.

This year has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. There has been no plateau for the businesses involved in this issue and we look to them for much inspiration. In particular, our cover business has shown resilience, integrity, and respect all the way through form its inception to this very day.

With an exceptional vision for the future, a sensational eye for detail, and an ambitious nature, BLU Analytics shapes the marketing agency world of today. It has quickly become recognised as BLU Loyalty takes off. With its bespoke digital platforms and high quality customer service there is no room for disappointment.

Whilst we await the end of the global pandemic, I would like to leave you with a lasting comment from this year. No matter what, even if you feel completely disheartened, things will improve. Just as the sun rises every morning, we will see brighter days ahead that are filled with joy, success, and abundance.

We hope all of you stay safe and have a wonderful end to the year.

Q3 2021

Welcome to the Q3 edition of MEA Markets magazine. Each issue we are devoted to providing you with all of the latest news and features from across the world of business in the Middle East and Africa.

As the third quarter of 2021 comes to a close, there is no better time to reflect on all that we have achieved this year and consider what goals we are still pursuing for the final part of the year. It has been an undeniably challenging year for all, but for many, it has been one that has presented great opportunities for innovation and evolution, as proven by the companies and individuals featured in this issue of MEA Markets.

Mediabox, our cover company, for example, has seen a tremendous uptick in business over the last quarter thanks to the rise in demand for streaming services brought about by government restrictions and lockdowns. Similarly, Xperiment Media, another award-winning company featured in this quarter’s edition, has seen a surge in online media consumption and has adapted to seize the full advantages of this actuality.

Thus, we invite you to discover the success stories of these and other businesses from across the MEA who have seen tremendous growth and development in a year shaped by adversity. As ever, we wish you all the best for the months ahead and look forward to welcoming you back for the Q4 issue of MEA Markets magazine.