2020 African Business Excellence Awards

MEAMARKETS / African Business Excellence Awards 2020 15 , BridgeGap Consults Limited BridgeGap Consults Limited is one of Nigeria’s top HR and business consulting company, providing top-quality business services to a wide and varied range of organizations. Driven by the culture of excellence, BridgeGap Consults has combined their visionwith the delivery of services that exceeds the customer’s expectation. Recently, we caught up with the firm’s Director of Operations, Mosun Obembe who revealedmore about BridgeGap Consults belief that people are the best asset of any company, regardless of the business size, industry and market share. Over the years, BridgeGap Consults has rendered services to various clients which include, but are not limited to: Craneburg Construction, OCP Africa, Oriental Energy, Oplay, St Nicholas Hospital, CHAMS PLC, POS Shop, Krispy Kream, Smile Communication, Dodo Pizza, Bollore, Paycom, Neusoft Medical Systems, Olist, UPS, Coach, Carter Biggs Investment, Crescentdeen Resources Limited and DreamWorks. With such a prestigious client list under its belt, it is imperative that BridgeGap Consults delivers every time. Mosun explains what techniques it employs to ensure the overall outcome is always successful. “When starting a new project, we begin with the end in mind and focus on the client’s needs. We have from experience understood that the client’s needs, married with industry best practices, would always deliver the best overall outcome. “We focus on both internal and external clients to ensure that all processes, deliverables and tasks, are reviewed and completed with all parties being carried along and together resolve all issues in a swift manner for absolute resolution and success of the project “We take time to ensure our team members are trained and that they have the technical know-how in carrying out all tasks and responsibilities.” It is clear that BridgeGap Consults stands by its beliefs and that its people are its most important asset. In fact, Mosun describes the firm as a “family of professionals with the focus of changing the norm.” “Our culture is built on integrity and we encourage self-development through knowledge sharing and grooming. “Team members are encouraged to obtain the necessary licences needed to carry out their tasks and responsibilities. This has provided them with the requisite skills needed to get the job done. Our senior team members understand that the grooming of team members is key to the culture of the organization. “Training and team building are major elements that define our culture, and they are key to equipping our team in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. We also do encourage team bonding activities as it affords us the opportunity of unwinding and getting to know each other better.” Internal culture is not the only thing that differentiates BridgeGap Consults from its competitors, although Mosun insists that the firm only competes with itself due to constant quest for excellence. “In a country where businesses are known to cut corners, we strive to stand on our integrity and focus on the task at hand,” she states. “We differentiate ourselves in how we handle our client’s requests. We understand that one good customer experience can change the entire perception a customer holds towards any organization. We accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems and help clients improve their effectiveness. “Our values are renewed due to the client’s need for an organization that is straightforward, loyal and has honesty enshrined in its culture. Our operational directives and business imperatives align with the messages from leadership related to ethics and compliance. Our set of clear values, amongst other things, emphasizes our organization’s commitment to legal and regulatory compliance, integrity and business ethics “Time is money and, as such, we deliver on time and have been known for getting things done in a professional manner and without issues.” Contact: Mosun Obembe Company: BridgeGap Consults Limited Web Address: www.bridgegapconsults.com HR Consultancy of the Year 2020 – Nigeria Jul20557

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