MEAM Qatar Business Awards 2018

20 MEA MARKETS / 2018 Qatar Business Excellence Awards , Just us & Otto is a forward-thinking company which is unleashing creativity and connecting people to brands at every step. We spoke to Markus Hofmeister as we look to find out more about the firmand its exciting business. Best Brand Marketing Agency In the digital age, the spread of information is vast, and overwhelming, and Just us & Otto work hard to stand out from the rest. Making time for everyone, the team don’t have time to pretend, as for the team, authenticity is key. Markus starts off the discussion by explaining how it feels to have won this award, and what he believes are the reasons behind its success. “To be selected for this award as Best Brand Marketing Agency feels great and its confirms our all our efforts in the last years but our clients have to be happy with our performances which is most important, and this award shows that we are going in the right direction.” Part of the team’s success is its ability to be available to all types of clients in various industries, and the authenticity of the team is something to be admired. Identifying a gap in the market, the team at Just Us & Otto need clear, concise and relevant information in which they can dream big, and develop pioneering ideas. The company is driven by goals, and one if its main aims to see others grow, and take on new projects which are unique throughout the industry. Authenticity is embedded in the ethos of the firm, and it this aspect which helps them to stand out according to Markus. “Here at Just us & Otto, we believe in in us as people and we do not try to pretend to be somebody else, authentic experience are also the key to success when we are dealing with brands. We are authentic in what we are thinking, saying and doing since the day we started in Qatar.” Ensuring that the team stays ahead of developments in this increasingly technological age, Markus believes that the company’s efforts cannot be replaced by technology. “To guarantee we are ahead of any developments, we always have to see what makes sense for us and what not our business are still great ideas which cannot be replaced by technology.” Markus goes on to tell us about the trends which you are seeing in the industry currently, and what key developments there are which are specific to Qatar, citing the oil crisis as an issue. QA180006 “After the oil crises in 2016, we have a complicated political situation with our neighbours since 2017 which have been big markets for us before. Based on these facts, the local station faces very high competition for the remaining projects or active clients in addiction, and has slowed down our economy, with our budgets been constantly reduced. You have to be fit to survive at the moment.” “However, Qatar has also presented itself as an International hub with opportunities for with great ideas and solid skills, and we believe we have both. It is an exciting location to be based.” Regarding the internal culture within Qatar, it is essential that Just us & Otto ensures its staff are perfectly equipped to provide the best possible service to clients, as Markus alludes to. “Internally, the sharing of knowledge from the seniors to the juniors is the key for us, as everybody needs a mentor to develop further and to get pushed if needed. In both cases it should be a work relationship based on trust and the intension to discover together new ways and possibilities.” Having praised the internal communication between staff, Markus is clearly excited about the future, as the firm works hard to provide the best experience to clients and staff, making everybody want to work with the firm. He signs off by predicting a bright future for both Qatar and Just us & Otto in the times ahead. “Moving forwards, we see Qatar back on track by end of the year and we hope to play a major role in it with our clients, projects and ideas.” Company: Just Us & Otto Contact: Markus Hofmeister Address: 33 lbn Al-Awwam St, Off B Ring Road, P.O. Box: 2461, Doha, 2461, Qatar Phone: 00974 443 17036 Website: