MEA Q4 2018

MEAMARKETS / Q4 2018 9 , CryoSave is one of the world’s largest providers of new-born stem cell banking services. Recently, we caught up with Chief Operating Officer Dr. Mai Ibrahimwho provided us with a detailed insight into the innovative firm. Creating a Positive Impact Founded in 1999, CryoSave has been entrusted by parents with storing samples from more than 350,000 children. Over the past 20 years, they have successfully collected and preserved stem cells from over 80 countries across six continents, always applying the most advanced technologies and highest industry standards. CryoSave’s state-of-the-art stem cell laboratory is located in the heart of Dubai Healthcare City and is part of a global network, featuring six other advanced stem cell processing and storage facilities worldwide. Saving stem cells from cord blood, cord tissue, placental tissue and cord vessel gives you a variety of treatment options and gives a greater chance for the healing and repair of different tissues. Cryosave offer storage for all four options. Mai begins by informing us of the philosophy behind their client service, as well as detailing how the firm main- tains the high standards which they have set for themselves. “Here at CryoSave, our clients are the most important people in our business. We constantly strive to maintain our unparal- leled standards so that every par- ent feels supported able to make the right choice for them, with re- gards to storing their child’s stem cells. All of our staff are trained to a very high level and are therefore able to answer any of our clients’ questions or concerns in order to provide them with the best possible service.” CryoSave Arabia is a recognised centre of excellence in stem cell technology and the only private facility in the region licensed to collect, process, test and cryo-genically store stem cells from different sources. Explaining how the firm distinguishes them- selves from their competitors, Mai reveals how CryoSave pride themselves on offering a unique service to clients. “Tens of thousands of stem cells samples from new-borns across the region have been processed and stored at the CryoSave Arabia facilities in Dubai and a number of samples have been released and used in life-saving medical transplants. We have recently established the only centre of excellence in stem cell education in the region. This cen- tre provides free education to any citizen of the local community, enabling the population to make informed choices.” CryoSave Arabia employs some of the region’s most highly trained and qualified scientists and medical consultants. When discussing the internal culture at CryoSave, Mai is keen to highlight the unique culture at the firm, and the things they do to maintain and develop it. “At CryoSave, we are a close- knit team who work side by side and provide each other with the daily support necessary when employed in such a highly sen- sitive business. We offer flexible working to parents, excellent healthcare insurance and contin- uous development opportunities for our staff. “In addition, we recognise that our customers are the most important members of our business and we look for staff that embody the caring and sensitive ethos we promote as our core values. Our team care deeply about their roles and seek to ensure our clients are advocates for our business due to the attentive and thoughtful interactions they have with us.” Reflecting on the last 12 months, Mai points to some of the most prevalent trends in the industry and highlights the ways in which Cryo- Save have adapted around these. “One of the latest trends is being able to store placental tissue, which contains vital cells that is and will be used in future treat- ments of a variety of diseases and injuries, including diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and cartilage injuries. Although the use of pla- cental tissue is still in its infancy, it has shown some promising impact and we are excited about being able to follow the use cases developed.” Looking ahead to what the future holds, Mai signs off by revealing the exciting plans which lie in the pipeline for CryoSave. “Moving forward, we would like to be more involved in working with transplant doctors to provide more support for innovative treat- ments with stem cells. To date, we have tremendous success with several transplants with pa- tients making a full recover from debilitating diseases. Lastly, we will continue to support this and hope that new treatments are found that we can help with.” Contact: Nikki Theron Email: [email protected] Company: CryoSave Arabia Telephone: +941 4 360 4410 Web Address: Oct18030