MEA July 2017

26 MEA MARKETS / July 2017 , The mission of SalaamNutritionals, LLC the leading halal based company, that specialises and provides high quality dietary supplements, through a business model that supports Islamic principles and contributes to charitable causes. We invited the firm’s Saimah Arshad to explainmore about the firm’s work and to provide a short nutrient guide to the benefits of various vitamins. Fun Dietary Supplements Salaam Nutritionals, LLC provides high quality dietary supplements and has a business model that supports Islamic principles and contributes to charitable causes through a fixed percentage donation from our quarterly profits. Salaam Nutritionals, LLC is to be the leading halal based company that specialises and provides high quality dietary supplements through a business model that supports Islamic principles and contributes to charitable causes through a fixed percentage donation from our quarterly profits. All our certified halal products are made with our consumers in mind. We pride ourselves in providing all-natural ingredients which are free of artificial flavours, preservatives, or colours. Our Halal certificate ensures that all our consumers that our products are made meeting the highest halal standards which includes not using any alcohol, gelatine, or pork based ingredients. Our product was born out of the necessity to address the growing frustrations from parents whose children were not getting adequate nutrition and not being able to swallow big chalky pills; we knew there was a niche that needed to be filled. Our line of halal gummy supplements delivers the most complete nutrition to nourish both adults and a child’s growing mind and body in a delicious, fuss free, fun to eat gummy. We are passionate about what goes into our products and aim to provide innovative, easy to digest, affordable and convenient halal delivery systems. We are a brand you can trust for the following reasons: • Our products are proudly made in the USA; • Our manufacturing facility is both GMP and FDA (good manufacturing practices/ Food Drug Association) certified; • Our halal certification is registered and certified through IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America); • Our bottles are recyclable; • Easy to digest and affordable; • Convenient Halal delivery systems; • Free of alcohol, gelatine or pork based ingredients and; • We donate a percentage of profits to an organisation/ charity/person in need quarterly. Below, you will find a short nutrient guide to the benefits of various vitamins. Vitamin A Vitamin A is made up of a group of fat soluble compounds and is an antioxidant that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Vitamin A intake is essential for: • Promotion of good vision especially at night; • Growth and development – it is involved in the genetic regulation of cell and tissue formation, programming, and communication needed for reproduction and for the proper development of the embryo in the womb; • Immune function – it helps to protect against infections by ensuring the effectiveness of mechanical barriers (e.g., skin), and increasing the production and efficacy of protective cells (e.g., lymphocytes) and; • Male and female reproductive organs. Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B6 must be obtained from the diet because humans cannot synthesise it. Vitamin B6 is essential for: • Make antibodies. Antibodies are needed to fight many diseases; • Maintain normal nerve function; • Make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the red blood cells to the tissues. A vitamin B6 1703ME07 deficiency can cause a form of anemia; • Break down proteins. The more protein you eat, the more vitamin B6 you need and; • Keep blood sugar (glucose) in normal ranges. Vitamin B12 Vitamins B12 is also a water- soluble vitamin and much like the other B vitamins it is important for protein metabolism. Vitamin B12 is essential for: • Convert food into glucose, which is used to produce energy; • Maintain healthy nerve cells; • Produce nucleic acids (e.g., DNA), the body’s genetic material; • Regulate, together with vitamin B9 (folate), the formation of red blood cells and; • Control, together with vitamin B6 and vitamin B9, blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, a potential marker for heart disease risk. Vitamin C Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. A sufficient intake of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), is important as it helps the body to • Make collagen, an important protein in skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels; • Grow and repair tissues; • Heal wounds;