MEA Business Awards 2023

Jul23121 MEA | Business Awards 2023 31 Dec23319 Best Alcohol Retailer & Distributor - UAE Craft and boutique specialists that aim to flood the market with innovative flavours from across the globe, Peninsula Drinks & Food LLC is wholly passionate about developing UAE’s beverage industry, leveraging a unique blend of artisanal brands and products new to the market that are unavailable elsewhere in the country, as well as stocking mainstream brands that are renowned internationally. By keeping a keen eye on developments in the space and utilising a specialist knowledge of the sector, the company’s senior leadership team have amassed a respectable reputation across their 30 years in the industry, something CEO Timothy Broughton tells us more about. ince gaining its license to import and distribute liquor in 2014, Peninsula Drinks & Food has become the retailer and distributor of choice for many, today operating seven shops across Abu Dhabi that each embody the flavours, diversity, and innovation that the business is famed for. On this, the tenth anniversary of its license, the company is reminding those of its drive to take retailing to the next level, disregarding the belief that customers should merely go to their local shop and pick up a bottle of whatever mainstream brand is on offer that week, focusing instead on crafting unique destinations complete with a welcoming atmosphere that serves as the perfect place to browse for one’s new favourite beverage. Aside from its status as an effective retailer, the company’s distribution service also offers that special something for those clients aiming to distinguish themselves in the market, a process which helps to attract even the most discerning customer. As Timothy tells us, “an integral aspect of this is the relative professionalism to offer specific information and training associated with such products to support upselling.” This is also accompanied by a number of measurable KPIs, spanning logistics from delivery accuracy and times, to ensuring effective management and that a consistent supply of products is provided. Dealing solely with authorised suppliers for all of its products, a vetting process is undertaken whereby Timothy and his team ensure that the standards of partners align with the company’s own. Then, for shipping, insulated and temperature-controlled containers are used, along with a meticulous scheduling process so beverages spend as little time as possible within the vessels. In a similar vein, Peninsula’s warehouse facility is also climate controlled and kept immaculately clean, with this facility being presided over by one of the country’s most experienced professionals, who also happens to be a stickler for procedure and quality. Timothy is incredibly proud of the portfolio of prominent beverages that he and the team have assembled over the last decade, expressing that this, “is in constant evolution”, adding, “we continually move with the times and search for superior products based on quality, price, point of difference, or pure demand.” Within the team, there is an emphasis on broadening the horizons of this portfolio and in turn the wider company, with research and making first contact with prospective partners having proven integral in achieving this. Such methods have allowed the company to thrive where many others have failed, rivalling the big brands by expressing that a better-quality product can often be sourced for much cheaper. This unique approach and the company’s solid foundations blend to create what is a distinctive business model, something only aided by the aforementioned research carried out regarding the business’ competition. Elaborating further on this, Timothy explains, “for the local market in particular, we drill down into the detail to fully understand the status, and when required, make strategic and long-term decisions which support our objectives.” Quick decisions can thus be made with impact, and the company is proud to have trained its staff to focus equally on its customers in both retail and distribution settings, with their exemplary friendliness, knowledge, and service radiating daily. Since the team is predominantly comprised of professionals with years of experience in tow prior to joining Peninsula Drinks & Food LLC, excellence starts at the top and trickles down to even the newest of recruits, and Timothy is proud of the distinction that the company’s staff turn-over is well below national and international levels. The senior team make a conscious effort to get involved where possible, something that has earned them the uppermost respect of their colleagues as they lead by example. Expansions within the team – and the wider company – are planned for the rest of 2024, with Timothy stating in closing that he remains, “extremely positive” for the year ahead. Contact Details Contact: Timothy Broughton Company: Peninsula Drinks & Food LLC Web Address: S