2023 UAE Business Award Packages

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Packages Packages About Us Introduction www.mea-markets.com MEA Markets is very proud to host the UAE Business Awards 2023 for i ts seventh instalment ! This awards programme aims to reward a vast ly diverse range of hardworking businesses f rom across the Uni ted Arab Emi rates region, who are demonst rat ing innovat ion and excel lence throughout a turbulent economic cl imate many f i rms are suffer ing through. Whi le the major i ty of Europe and Amer ica are exper iencing increasing di ff icul ty regarding thei r respect ive economies and f inancial si tuat ions, the UAE’s story is very di fferent indeed! The UAE economy is set to repor t i ts st rongest annual expansion since 2011 af ter i t grew by a very impressive 8.2% in the f i rst three months of 2022, due to higher oi l pr ices and measures to mi t igate the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on economies around the globe. The region has also seen i tsel f shipping oi l to new dest inat ions such as Europe in the past twelve months as global economies are seeking al ternat ive means of power ing themselves. The l ikes of the Expo 2020 hosted in Dubai , the recovery in global t ravel and the easing of pandemic-related rest r ict ions have also st rengthened the non-oi l sector in the region, expanding by more than 6% in the f i rst three months of the year. Internat ional visi tor numbers have also recovered to around 70% of pre-pandemic levels at the star t of 2022. I t is also expected that the upcoming FIFA Wor ld Cup held in nearby Qatar wi l l also l ikely benef i t the t ravel hubs in the UAE. Bronze Package 725 GBP Ful l page of edi tor ial Bespoke t rophy Personal ised digi tal logo Shipping included UAE Business Awards 2022 10 Most Innovative Headhunters 2022 Recruitment agencies can be incredibly beneficial to both employers and jobseekers – they provide information, advice, and access to suitable talents or jobs. Scancruit is a shining example of what a recruitment agency should be. Indeed, the company boasts a positive reputation due to the entirely bespoke nature of its effective services. cancruit is a Scandinavian company that has successfully delved into markets around the globe. Indeed, the company has expanded into United Arab Emirates, Spain and the United States, maintaining thriving teams of full-time staff in each. Boasting a range of services, Scancruit specialises in recruitment, helping its clients with recruiting candidates and relocating services worldwide. In addition, the company assists those looking for new job opportunities by connecting them with a business that perfectly fits their needs, skills, and qualifications. Consequently, the company works based upon its stringent core values, with its main philosophy being ‘we value people.’ This underpins everything the company does – from client interactions to the way it conducts its team. Simply, Scancruit truly believes that the right people make the difference between success and failure. Therefore, it ensures that it places people first, no matter whether they’re a client, an employee, or a potential recruit. Throughout both the recruitment and project process, Scancruit endeavours to create a seamless and efficient approach that results in an excellent companyclient relationship. Henceforth, Scancruit has built a team that is intrinsic to the company’s success. In essence, they are deeply important to the company. They thrive upon communication, transparency, and hard work. They understand how to get the best results for their clients, playing an active role in the selection of candidates for client’s positions – in turn, it publicises the available offer and guarantees that it gets the most exposure possible. Through personal interviews, profile analysis, and verification, Scancruit guarantees that it will find the best candidate for the role. From there, the team assists greatly with getting the candidate integrated into their new life, wherever the role requires relocation. Within the UAE, this is hugely beneficial, as the area is attractive to jobseekers and many companies are growing and hiring new talents after the pandemic. The job market in the UAE is incredibly vibrant and fast-paced, which results in thousands of people competing for a single position. Hence, it is vital that you stand out in order to get recognised. Scancruit has taken this on board, citing that its most important task is to find the best possible applicant for each available position, as it hopes to create success for its clients – whether it is a recruiter or a jobseeker. However, as the industry is booming, it is also imperative for Scancruit to stand out from the competition. Thereby its approach is wholly bespoke, deviating greatly from the ‘one size fits all’ solution that the wider industry attempts to push onto recruits. At Scancruit, there are a plethora of recruitment services available – no matter what position and industry the recruiter is looking for a candidate in, it can be sure that it will find the right solution with Scancruit by its side. Further, this is bolstered by its network of professionals that possess years of industry experience. 2022 is set to be an exciting year for Scancruit. It has numerous plans in the pipeline, ranging from its expansion into American markets to simply improving its position in the marketing world. However, the company’s primary goal is to continue offering a premium service to its clients, helping companies around the world to find the right talents and candidates to find their dream role. Contact: Louise Hjorth Email: [email protected] Company: Scancruit Web Address: https://scancruit.ae S

Packages Packages Silver Package 1,095 GBP Two pages of edi tor ial (double page spread) Bespoke t rophy Personal ised digi tal logo Personal ised digi tal cer t i f icate Shipping included UAE Business Awards 2022 9 implementation of guiding principles, a large part of its efforts lies in the attraction and retaining of skilled and gifted people through its recruitment drives, drawing new talent into the industry by showing the next generation of professional drivers where the future of the industry leads. At present, this future is looking brighter than ever due to the latest technologies and developments being implemented across the board. With state-of-the-art service that has been developed at the very top of DTC’s managerial team by Mansoor himself, as well as with input from Abdulla Ibrahim Al Meer – the Director of Digital Transformation and Commercial Development – it hopes to help the government achieve its strategic plan milestones in the future with its efforts. Nominally, this has forged a large part of it forming its own strategy. This strategy, in short, is in aid of creating an exemplary fleet of vehicles that will always get a client where they need to go within the city with what creature comforts they expect as standard on hand. It has been on a journey towards making this a reality for DTC, a journey that is still ongoing. After all, in a market like automotive transport, where developments are constant and change is just another part of everyday life, it had to ensure that it could adapt effectively in order to keep up like it wants to. To this end, a client can always expect their feedback, feelings, and opinions to be taken with the utmost seriousness, as it always values being able to improve and develop its driving services, cars, and logistical handling in order to make itself better fit what the modern market needs. Its corporate reputation is one of the most important things to DTC, with its excellence and innovation forming the backbone of this. After all, it is thanks to the brilliance and ingenuity of its work that it has achieved the high level of status it currently enjoys in the region of Dubai, with a commitment to a holistic taxi service thoroughly ingrained in every element of its work. The complete nature of its services, therefore, allow it to remain thoroughly competitive, whilst its dedication to sustainability ensure it can tread as lightly as possible in a world where it is ever-more important to demonstrate one’s corporate environmental responsibility. Therefore, its team-playing leadership and positive staff all look forward to serving many more clients long into the future, excited to see where it can take its clients – and its industry – next. Company: Dubai Taxi Corporation Contact: Hisham Airan Website: https://www.dubaitaxi.ae/ As a competitive, future-focused, and positive taxi service that operates as a subsidiary of Dubai’s governing bodies, Dubai Taxi Corporation has made itself a trusted element of the region’s transport system. Critically, its efforts lie in serving each client as the unique individual they are, putting great effort and thinking into going above and beyond for their individual needs. Paying attention to the type of car, the route, the quality of service, and the individual needs a customer might wish for during a ride, DTC has made itself a favourite amongst visitors and locals alike. As a subsidiary of the Roads and Transport authority, Dubai Taxi Corporation – or DTC – has spent the years it has been in operation proving its dedication to exemplary client service. In line with the values and principles of its parent organisation, it ensures that clients from all walks of life can find a service that suits them out of the list it offers, all of which prioritise customer service, customer care, and creature comforts in order to make it one of the best in the business. Nominally, DTC’s development and growth has been spurred on by this, as it has made itself a business that is emboldened by trust, respect, and diligence, each of its principles forging the processes that allow its drivers to transport clients safely, cheaply, and quickly. With a long-term, future-oriented focus, it aims to provide its customers with optimum satisfaction at every turn. With is consistent new ideas, innovations, and improvements, its services boast an attitude of always pushing forward for bigger and for better, never resting on its laurels and always looking to make itself a front-runner in leading the trends of its industry. Indeed, it has been successful in doing so by making itself a jewel in the crown of the city’s transport industry. Each of its peers and each of its clients tend to say the same thing of it; that it is reliable, dedicated, and ambitious. They can see the commitment to the success of everyone it comes across in how hard it works to always be charting more productive courses, bringing aboard more staff, updating its fleet, and learning new routes when necessary to either get to a destination quicker or above obstruction. This smart, flexible, and vastly intelligent way of working has allowed it to become a law-compliant and governmentally backed travel company. Although it is financially and administratively independent – giving it the freedom it needs to continue making all the correct moves to grow and improve without additionally bureaucracy – DTC doesn’t forget its roots, taking leaning and knowledge from its parent company as inspiration. Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude. Thus, since its beginnings in 2006, it has been elevated not just itself, but the travel industry in the macro scale. After all, it believes this to be part of its civic duty, with CEO Mansoor Rahma Alfalasi striving to lead from the front at every turn; this kind of forthright and transparent leadership has certainly resulted in a healthy internal structure within the company, wherein everyone believes in the overall mission of DTC. Additionally, the zeal with which it approaches his business means that DTC can truly reflect its mission to be ‘pioneers in safe, reliable, and smart transport services’. With hard work and tenacity, it believes that anything is possible, and it strives to reflect the principles that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum himself hold dear. Therefore, when it comes to the development and Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude F Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 Gold Package 1,895 GBP Front cover logo (your company logo on the f ront cover of the annual magazine) 2 pages of edi tor ial (double page spread) Bespoke t rophy Personal ised digi tal logo Personal ised digi tal cer t i f icate Shipping included UAE Business Awards 2022 9 implementation of guiding principles, a large part of its efforts lies in the attraction and retaining of skilled and gifted people through its recruitment drives, drawing new talent into the industry by showing the next generation of professional drivers where the future of the industry leads. At present, this future is looking brighter than ever due to the latest technologies and developments being implemented across the board. With state-of-the-art service that has been developed at the very top of DTC’s managerial team by Mansoor himself, as well as with input from Abdulla Ibrahim Al Meer – the Director of Digital Transformation and Commercial Development – it hopes to help the government achieve its strategic plan milestones in the future with its efforts. Nominally, this has forged a large part of it forming its own strategy. This strategy, in short, is in aid of creating an exemplary fleet of vehicles that will always get a client where they need to go within the city with what creature comforts they expect as standard on hand. It has been on a journey towards making this a reality for DTC, a journey that is still ongoing. After all, in a market like automotive transport, where developments are constant and change is just another part of everyday life, it had to ensure that it could adapt effectively in order to keep up like it wants to. To this end, a client can always expect their feedback, feelings, and opinions to be taken with the utmost seriousness, as it always values being able to improve and develop its driving services, cars, and logistical handling in order to make itself better fit what the modern market needs. Its corporate reputation is one of the most important things to DTC, with its excellence and innovation forming the backbone of this. After all, it is thanks to the brilliance and ingenuity of its work that it has achieved the high level of status it currently enjoys in the region of Dubai, with a commitment to a holistic taxi service thoroughly ingrained in every element of its work. The complete nature of its services, therefore, allow it to remain thoroughly competitive, whilst its dedication to sustainability ensure it can tread as lightly as possible in a world where it is ever-more important to demonstrate one’s corporate environmental responsibility. Therefore, its team-playing leadership and positive staff all look forward to serving many more clients long into the future, excited to see where it can take its clients – and its industry – next. Company: Dubai Taxi Corporation Contact: Hisham Airan Website: https://www.dubaitaxi.ae/ As a competitive, future-focused, and positive taxi service that operates as a subsidiary of Dubai’s governing bodies, Dubai Taxi Corporation has made itself a trusted element of the region’s transport system. Critically, its efforts lie in serving each client as the unique individual they are, putting great effort and thinking into going above and beyond for their individual needs. Paying attention to the type of car, the route, the quality of service, and the individual needs a customer might wish for during a ride, DTC has made itself a favourite amongst visitors and locals alike. As a subsidiary of the Roads and Transport authority, Dubai Taxi Corporation – or DTC – has spent the years it has been in operation proving its dedication to exemplary client service. In line with the values and principles of its parent organisation, it ensures that clients from all walks of life can find a service that suits them out of the list it offers, all of which prioritise customer service, customer care, and creature comforts in order to make it one of the best in the business. Nominally, DTC’s development and growth has been spurred on by this, as it has made itself a business that is emboldened by trust, respect, and diligence, each of its principles forging the processes that allow its drivers to transport clients safely, cheaply, and quickly. With a long-term, future-oriented focus, it aims to provide its customers with optimum satisfaction at every turn. With is consistent new ideas, innovations, and improvements, its services boast an attitude of always pushing forward for bigger and for better, never resting on its laurels and always looking to make itself a front-runner in leading the trends of its industry. Indeed, it has been successful in doing so by making itself a jewel in the crown of the city’s transport industry. Each of its peers and each of its clients tend to say the same thing of it; that it is reliable, dedicated, and ambitious. They can see the commitment to the success of everyone it comes across in how hard it works to always be charting more productive courses, bringing aboard more staff, updating its fleet, and learning new routes when necessary to either get to a destination quicker or above obstruction. This smart, flexible, and vastly intelligent way of working has allowed it to become a law-compliant and governmentally backed travel company. Although it is financially and administratively independent – giving it the freedom it needs to continue making all the correct moves to grow and improve without additionally bureaucracy – DTC doesn’t forget its roots, taking leaning and knowledge from its parent company as inspiration. Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude. Thus, since its beginnings in 2006, it has been elevated not just itself, but the travel industry in the macro scale. After all, it believes this to be part of its civic duty, with CEO Mansoor Rahma Alfalasi striving to lead from the front at every turn; this kind of forthright and transparent leadership has certainly resulted in a healthy internal structure within the company, wherein everyone believes in the overall mission of DTC. Additionally, the zeal with which it approaches his business means that DTC can truly reflect its mission to be ‘pioneers in safe, reliable, and smart transport services’. With hard work and tenacity, it believes that anything is possible, and it strives to reflect the principles that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum himself hold dear. Therefore, when it comes to the development and Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude F Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 PETROD IVE

Packages Packages Platinum Package 3,295 GBP- Limited Availability Suppor t ing f ront cover image & headl ine 2 pages of edi tor ial (double page spread) Bespoke t rophy Wal l plaque Personal ised digi tal logo Personal ised digi tal cer t i f icate 4-page digi tal e-magazine dedicated solely to your company Shipping included UAE Business Awards 2022 9 implementation of guiding principles, a large part of its efforts lies in the attraction and retaining of skilled and gifted people through its recruitment drives, drawing new talent into the industry by showing the next generation of professional drivers where the future of the industry leads. At present, this future is looking brighter than ever due to the latest technologies and developments being implemented across the board. With state-of-the-art service that has been developed at the very top of DTC’s managerial team by Mansoor himself, as well as with input from Abdulla Ibrahim Al Meer – the Director of Digital Transformation and Commercial Development – it hopes to help the government achieve its strategic plan milestones in the future with its efforts. Nominally, this has forged a large part of it forming its own strategy. This strategy, in short, is in aid of creating an exemplary fleet of vehicles that will always get a client where they need to go within the city with what creature comforts they expect as standard on hand. It has been on a journey towards making this a reality for DTC, a journey that is still ongoing. After all, in a market like automotive transport, where developments are constant and change is just another part of everyday life, it had to ensure that it could adapt effectively in order to keep up like it wants to. To this end, a client can always expect their feedback, feelings, and opinions to be taken with the utmost seriousness, as it always values being able to improve and develop its driving services, cars, and logistical handling in order to make itself better fit what the modern market needs. Its corporate reputation is one of the most important things to DTC, with its excellence and innovation forming the backbone of this. After all, it is thanks to the brilliance and ingenuity of its work that it has achieved the high level of status it currently enjoys in the region of Dubai, with a commitment to a holistic taxi service thoroughly ingrained in every element of its work. The complete nature of its services, therefore, allow it to remain thoroughly competitive, whilst its dedication to sustainability ensure it can tread as lightly as possible in a world where it is ever-more important to demonstrate one’s corporate environmental responsibility. Therefore, its team-playing leadership and positive staff all look forward to serving many more clients long into the future, excited to see where it can take its clients – and its industry – next. Company: Dubai Taxi Corporation Contact: Hisham Airan Website: https://www.dubaitaxi.ae/ As a competitive, future-focused, and positive taxi service that operates as a subsidiary of Dubai’s governing bodies, Dubai Taxi Corporation has made itself a trusted element of the region’s transport system. Critically, its efforts lie in serving each client as the unique individual they are, putting great effort and thinking into going above and beyond for their individual needs. Paying attention to the type of car, the route, the quality of service, and the individual needs a customer might wish for during a ride, DTC has made itself a favourite amongst visitors and locals alike. As a subsidiary of the Roads and Transport authority, Dubai Taxi Corporation – or DTC – has spent the years it has been in operation proving its dedication to exemplary client service. In line with the values and principles of its parent organisation, it ensures that clients from all walks of life can find a service that suits them out of the list it offers, all of which prioritise customer service, customer care, and creature comforts in order to make it one of the best in the business. Nominally, DTC’s development and growth has been spurred on by this, as it has made itself a business that is emboldened by trust, respect, and diligence, each of its principles forging the processes that allow its drivers to transport clients safely, cheaply, and quickly. With a long-term, future-oriented focus, it aims to provide its customers with optimum satisfaction at every turn. With is consistent new ideas, innovations, and improvements, its services boast an attitude of always pushing forward for bigger and for better, never resting on its laurels and always looking to make itself a front-runner in leading the trends of its industry. Indeed, it has been successful in doing so by making itself a jewel in the crown of the city’s transport industry. Each of its peers and each of its clients tend to say the same thing of it; that it is reliable, dedicated, and ambitious. They can see the commitment to the success of everyone it comes across in how hard it works to always be charting more productive courses, bringing aboard more staff, updating its fleet, and learning new routes when necessary to either get to a destination quicker or above obstruction. This smart, flexible, and vastly intelligent way of working has allowed it to become a law-compliant and governmentally backed travel company. Although it is financially and administratively independent – giving it the freedom it needs to continue making all the correct moves to grow and improve without additionally bureaucracy – DTC doesn’t forget its roots, taking leaning and knowledge from its parent company as inspiration. Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude. Thus, since its beginnings in 2006, it has been elevated not just itself, but the travel industry in the macro scale. After all, it believes this to be part of its civic duty, with CEO Mansoor Rahma Alfalasi striving to lead from the front at every turn; this kind of forthright and transparent leadership has certainly resulted in a healthy internal structure within the company, wherein everyone believes in the overall mission of DTC. Additionally, the zeal with which it approaches his business means that DTC can truly reflect its mission to be ‘pioneers in safe, reliable, and smart transport services’. With hard work and tenacity, it believes that anything is possible, and it strives to reflect the principles that His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum himself hold dear. Therefore, when it comes to the development and Its staff are each devoted to the client’s comfort, too, and with the freedom to use their own professional judgement to decide the best routes, each of them operates their vehicle with smooth driving skills and a customer-first attitude F Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 Innovation Award for Transportation Technology Solutions 2022 Petrodive Group: Best Independent Diving Company - Dubai Editor’s Choice Package 6,995 GBP- Only One Available Main f ront cover image & headl ine 4 pages of edi tor ial 2 bespoke t rophies Wal l plaque Personal ised digi tal logo Personal ised digi tal cer t i f icate 8-page digi tal e-magazine wi th 100 pr ints dedicated solely to your company Double page spread in a future issue of Mea Markets Shipping included UAE Business Awards 2023 What makes a perfect cup of coffee? Specialty Batch Coffee LLC has the answers. Since 2011, the company has been providing a range of coffee-related services across the United Arab Emirates, including café consultancy, equipment supplies, and even producing a wide range of specialty-grade coffees. Best Specialty Coffee Supplier - Middle East UAE Business Awards 2022 7 Best Independent Diving Company - Dubai from across the globe. It sets itself apart due to its devotion to remaining affordable whilst providing a premium service. Placing an emphasis on efficiency, both operational and within safe practices, the company has created a business that thrives within its field. Moreover, due to its attentive nature, it has built a portfolio filled with prestigious companies. The upcoming year is flooded with opportunities, projects, and plans. Offering a new range of diving equipment, the company has created an innovative saturation system that allows for its divers and customers to work at a greater depth for days or weeks at a time. This is optimal for the company as it will allow for a greater economy of work and enable it to go to inaccessible locations. Yet this isn’t all the company has in mind. Petrodive is working on a range of projects, including the expansion of data-driven operations support, which will produce realtime reports of its operations. Contact: Stéphane Trote Company: Petrodive Group Web Address: www.petrodive.com Best Independent Diving Company - Dubai Stemming out of Dubai, Petrodive Group has certainly earned its position as a leading diving company. With decades of experience under its wing, the company has consistently aided international maritime, oil, and gas corporations with onshore and offshore services to a highstandard. Indeed, the company has devised an effective method that has ensured its longevity and success – a method that has infused its future with an array of exciting plans that will be coming to fruition over the next year. With over 20 years of relevant experience in subsea management, Petrodive Group operates as an independent diving company that specialises in the maritime and the international oil and gas industries. Moreover, whilst the company is headquartered in Dubai, UAE, it primarily operates in West Africa and the Caribbean. No matter where the company undertakes a project, it endeavours to provide a professional, safe, and high-quality service. Henceforth, Petrodive is proudly a Contractor member of the IMCA, participating in the work of the Diving Division in the Europe and Africa section, and complies with the guidelines set by Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and the international Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). The past ten years has seen Petrodive conduct over 100,000 dives, and since January 2021, the company has amassed 3079 diving hours. Indeed, its experience is unmatched, with much of its expertise stemming from its founder, Stéphane Trote. Joining the French Navy, Stéphane discovered a passion for diving, and upon leaving in 1991, he began his career as a diver. Jumping forward to 2009, Stéphane takes over the TPSMI group, managing the original offices in Gabon and the Congo, and opening it’s Dubai headquarters in 2013. In 2019, the TPSMI Group became the Petrodive Group, continuing its ground-breaking work for the maritime, gas, and oil industries. From construction to inspection, to repair and decommissioning, Petrodive offers a vast range of services to its clients. Working both onshore and offshore, the company’s mission is to provide a support network that bolster’s the clients’ business – Petrodive’s motto is, ‘We dive, You thrive.’ This phrase not only acts as an excellent marketing tactic – it’s a rhyme that consists of four monosyllabic words and is therefore memorable – but it also wholly encompasses what the company does and how it chooses to conduct itself. Petrodive is committed to conducting its operations in compliance with the existing standards and regulations in the domains of quality, health and safety, and environmental preservation. Furthermore, the company prides itself on being flexible to its clients’ needs, tailoring its services to their requirements and goals. In essence, Petrodive takes an almost entirely clientcentric approach to business as it believes that the client should come first. However, the company also prioritises its team, working to keep them happy, involved, and most importantly, safe. 88% of the company’s staff are recruited from local areas – an element that remains a core part of the company’s recruitment policy. In addition, Petrodive maintains over 150 divers who are constantly in rotation in order to ensure the highest standards of inspection, repair and maintenance. The company has built its team upon three core pillars – safety, quality of service, and motivation. Of course, safety, particularly in this sector, is greatly important. Diving is a risky career path and its imperative for Petrodive to implement safety features and responses that can be enacted quickly in the event of an emergency. Hence, Petrodive makes it a priority to ensure the safety of each of its staff members, particularly its divers. The industry itself is monitored through numerous regulations and guidelines that have been designed to make diving as safe as possible. Dubai is home to some of the world’s best diving suppliers on the market, which may well be due to the UAE’s extensive history in the pearl diving industry. Additionally, Dubai is a global business hub and gateway to growth market. Petrodive benefit greatly from this location as it primarily operates largely between Africa and South America, and Dubai is home to both a seaport and airport, making logistics significantly easier for the company. As the industry is booming in the city, Petrodive has had to create something unique – something that makes it gleam amongst the competition, attracting clients From construction to inspection, to repair and decommissioning, Petrodive offers a vast range of services to its clients. Working both onshore and offshore, the company’s mission is to provide a support network that bolster’s the clients’ business – Petrodive’s motto is, ‘We dive, You thrive.’ PETROD IVE UAE Business Awards 2022 7 Best Independent Diving Company - Dubai from across the globe. It sets itself apart due to its devotion to remaining affordable whilst providing a premium service. Placing an emphasis on efficiency, both operational and within safe practices, the company has created a business th t thrives within its field. Moreover, due to its attentive nature, it has built a portfolio filled with prestigious companies. The upcoming year is flooded with opp rtunities, projects, and plans. Offering a new range of diving equipment, the company has created an innovative saturation system that al ws for its divers and customers to work at a gre ter depth for days or weeks at a time. This is optimal for the company as it will allow fo greater conomy of work and nable it to g to inaccessible locations. Yet this isn’t all the comp ny has in mind. Petrodive is w rking on a range of projects, including the expansion of data-driven operations upport, wh ch will produce realtime re orts of its operations. Contact: Stéphane Trote Company: Petrodive Group Web Addre s: www.petrodive.com Best Independent Diving Company - Dubai Stemming out of Dubai, Petrodive Group has certainly earned its position as a leading diving company. With decades of experience under its wing, the company has consistently aided international maritime, oil, and gas corporations with onshore and offshore services to a highstandard. Indeed, the company has devised an effective method that has ensured its longevity and success – a method that has infused its future with an array of exciting plans that will be coming to fruition over the next year. With over 20 years of relevant experience in subsea management, Petrodive Group operates as an independent diving company that specialises in th maritim and the international o l nd gas industries. M reover, whilst the company is h adquartered in Dubai, UAE, it pri arily operates in W t Africa and the Caribbean. No matter where the company undertakes a projec , it endeavours to pr vide a prof ssio al, safe, and high-quality service. H nceforth, Petrodive is proudly a Contracto member of the IMCA, participating in the work of th Diving Divisi n in the Eur e nd Africa section, and complies with the gu d l nes set by Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) and the international Marine Contractor Associatio (IMCA). The past ten years has seen Petrodive conduct over 100,000 dives, and since January 2021, the company has amassed 3079 diving hours. Indeed, its experience i unmatched, with much of its exp rtise stemm ng from its founder, Stéphane Trote. Joining the French Navy, Stépha e discov red a passion for diving, and upon leaving in 1991, he began his car er as a diver. Jumping forward to 2009, Stéphane tak s over the TPSMI group, manag ng th original offices in Gabon and the Congo, and opening it’s Dubai headquarters in 2013. In 2019, the TPSMI Group became the Petrodive Group, continuing its ground-breaking work for the maritime, gas, and oil industries. From construction to inspection, t repair and decommissioning, Petr dive offers a vast range of services o it clients. Working both onshore and offshore, the company’s mission is provide a support network th t b lst r’s the clients’ business – Petrodive’s motto is, ‘We dive, You thrive.’ This p rase not only acts as an excellent marketi g tactic – i ’s a rhyme hat consists of four monosyll bic words and is th ref re memorable – but it also wholly encompasses what the company does nd how it hooses to conduct itself. Petrodive is committed to conducting its operations in compliance with the existing standards and regulations in the domains of quality, health and safety, a d environmental preservation. Furthermor , the company prides itself on being fl xible to its cli nts’ needs, tailoring its services t heir requirements and goals. In essence, Petrodive takes an almost entirely clientcentric approach to business as it believes that the clien hould come first. However, the company also prioritises its team, working to keep them happy, involved, and most importantly, safe. 88% of the company’s staff are recruited from local areas – an el me t that remains a core part of the company’s recruitment policy. In addition, Petrodive maintains over 150 divers who are constantly in rotation in order to nsure he highest standa ds of inspection, repair and maintenan e The company has buil its team upon three core pillars – safety, quality of service, and motivation. Of course, safety, particularly in this sector, is greatly imp rtant. Diving is a risky career path and its imp rative for Petrodive to implement safety features and responses that can be enacted quickly in the event of emergency. Hence, P t odive makes it a priority to nsure the safety of each of its staff m mbers, particularly its divers. The industry tself is monitored through num rous regulations and guidelines that have been designed to make diving as safe as possible. Dubai is home to some of the world’s best diving suppliers on the market, which may well be due to the UAE’s extensive history in the pearl diving industry. Additionally, Dubai is a global business hub an gateway to growth market. Petrodive benefit greatly from this location as it primarily operates largely between Africa nd South America, and Dubai is home to b th a se port and airport, making logistics significantly easier for the company. As the industry is booming in the city, Petrodive has had t create something unique – something that makes it gleam amongst the competition, attracting clients From construction to inspection, to repair and decommissioning, Petrodive offers a vast rang of services to its clients. Working both onshore and offshore, the company’s mission is to provide a support network that bolster’s the clients’ business – Petrodive’s motto is, ‘We dive, You thrive.’ PETROD IVE

Packages Packages Standalone Assets Bespoke t rophy: 345 GBP Bespoke slate t rophy: 345 GBP Wal l mounted plaque: 345 GBP Personal ised digi tal logo: 245 GBP Personal ised digi tal cer t i f icate: 245 GBP Ful l Page Edi tor ial : 395 GBP UAE Business Awards 2022 10 Most Innovative Headhunters 2022 Recruitment agencies can be incredibly beneficial to both employers and jobseekers – they provide information, advice, and access to suitable talents or jobs. Scancruit is a shining example of what a recruitment agency should be. Indeed, the company boasts a positive reputation due to the entirely bespoke nature of its effective services. cancruit is a Scandinavian company that has successfully delved into markets around the globe. Indeed, the company has expanded into United Arab Emirates, Spain and the United States, maintaining thriving teams of full-time staff in each. Boasting a range of services, Scancruit specialises in recruitment, helping its clients with recruiting candidates and relocating services worldwide. In addition, the company assists those looking for new job opportunities by connecting them with a business that perfectly fits their needs, skills, and qualifications. Consequently, the company works based upon its stringent core values, with its main philosophy being ‘we value people.’ This underpins everything the company does – from client interactions to the way it conducts its team. Simply, Scancruit truly believes that the right people make the difference between success and failure. Therefore, it ensures that it places people first, no matter whether they’re a client, an employee, or a potential recruit. Throughout both the recruitment and project process, Scancruit endeavours to create a seamless and efficient approach that results in an excellent companyclient relationship. Henceforth, Scancruit has built a team that is intrinsic to the company’s success. In essence, they are deeply important to the company. They thrive upon communication, transparency, and hard work. They understand how to get the best results for their clients, playing an active role in the selection of candidates for client’s positions – in turn, it publicises the available offer and guarantees that it gets the most exposure possible. Through personal interviews, profile analysis, and verification, Scancruit guarantees that it will find the best candidate for the role. From there, the team assists greatly with getting the candidate integrated into their new life, wherever the role requires relocation. Within the UAE, this is hugely beneficial, as the area is attractive to jobseekers and many companies are growing and hiring new talents after the pandemic. The job market in the UAE is incredibly vibrant and fast-paced, which results in thousands of people competing for a single position. Hence, it is vital that you stand out in order to get recognised. Scancruit has taken this on board, citing that its most important task is to find the best possible applicant for each available position, as it hopes to create success for its clients – whether it is a recruiter or a jobseeker. However, as the industry is booming, it is also imperative for Scancruit to stand out from the competition. Thereby its approach is wholly bespoke, deviating greatly from the ‘one size fits all’ solution that the wider industry attempts to push onto recruits. At Scancruit, there are a plethora of recruitment services available – no matter what position and industry the recruiter is looking for a candidate in, it can be sure that it will find the right solution with Scancruit by its side. Further, this is bolstered by its network of professionals that possess years of industry experience. 2022 is set to be an exciting year for Scancruit. It has numerous plans in the pipeline, ranging from its expansion into American markets to simply improving its position in the marketing world. However, the company’s primary goal is to continue offering a premium service to its clients, helping companies around the world to find the right talents and candidates to find their dream role. Contact: Louise Hjorth Email: [email protected] Company: Scancruit Web Address: https://scancruit.ae S Visit to Subscribe www.mea-markets.com